This website contains general information about PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. and/or its related parties, and is not intended to serve as a source of legal, tax, business, investment or financial advice for any purpose. Neither receipt of information presented on this site nor any email or other electronic communication sent to PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. or its partners, lawyers, associates, paralegals and/or assistants through this site will create an attorney-client relationship, and no such email or communication will be treated as confidential. No user of this site should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without seeking legal advice from counsel relevant to their particular situation. PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. expressly disclaims liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this site. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

A person agrees that when he or she enters into a GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY contract with PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. it will enter into an attorney-client relationship from that point forward pertaining to the particular item in question and that in accordance with the Supreme Court of Justice, Official Gazette No. 24,305 of May 21, 2001. Agreement No. 49 of April 24, 2001; by which the Minimum Professional Fees Rate of Lawyers in the Republic of Panama is approved. Moreover, the following fees will apply mainly in CIVIL AND/OR COMMERCIAL LAW ISSUES, comprising generally of corporate, real estate, tax, insurance and securities laws, as follows: $150 per hour or $1,200 per business day including work rendered by PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. partners, lawyers, associates, paralegals and/or assistants depending on the complexity and time involved on the issue at hand.

And the client expressly authorizes PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. to debit any and all expenses incurred from a client expense account as attributed within the context of the contracts employed in the execution of the matter at hand and/or via the public deed of the GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY with PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. and the person must understand that, when he or she enters into a GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY contract with PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. it is essentially hiring the firm to replace him or her in a wide array of endeavors that carry the hourly/daily fees described above which can be itemized and provided per request.

In the ordinary course of its legal practice, PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. may engage from time to time in a broad spectrum of activities in relation to, including but not limited to: Banking, Insurance & Securities, Corporate Finance & Capital Markets, Investments & Acquisitions, Project Finance & Commercial Real Estate, Family Offices & Private Equity Funds, Corporate, Tax & Securities Law, Corporate Governance & Financial Structuring, among others. In engaging in these professional activities, the interests of PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. may conflict with the interests of its attorney-client relationships.

PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. may often have a higher fee structure than independent attorneys, as a result of the value of the firm’s partners and managers, clients procuring the legal services of PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. acknowledge that they are aware of the firm’s high profile and value.

We encourage users of this site to seek independent advice from their tax, accounting, legal or other advisors as deemed appropriate. The information on this page is solely for informational purposes only. It is intended for the benefit of third parties and those seeking information about PANAMA FINANCE LAW & CO. The information contained herein does not constitute and should not be construed as an offering of legal advisory or transactional services or an offer to provide or a solicitation to provide legal services in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation, would be unlawful under the securities, insurance or other laws of such jurisdiction.

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, Licensed Lawyer No. 13755 issued by the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, has a natural person registration No. 0314 as AUTHORIZED LOCAL CUSTODIAN… according to Agreement No. 1048 of November 24, 2015 issued by the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, Judicial Branch of the Republic of Panama, in accordance with Law 47 of August 6, 2013, modified by Law 18 of 23 of April 2015.

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, has in his personal capacity an Investment Banking resolution No. 574245845 issued by the General Directorate of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Panama. It includes other activities auxiliary to financial services, investment advisor (real estate) and commission agent services. His services do not include the offering of public securities and/or advice on listed securities and/or brokerage or sale of securities, instruments and/or quoted financial contracts or other similar ones.

Panama Finance Law & Co., Civil Partnership of Lawyers with File No. 26739, registered in the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, has a legal person registration No. 0315 as AUTHORIZED LOCAL CUSTODIAN… according to Agreement No. 1048 of November 24, 2015 issued by the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, Judicial Branch of the Republic of Panama, in accordance with Law 47 of August 6, 2013, modified by Law 18 of 23 of April 2015.

Panama Finance Law & Co. includes 7% of ITBMS (Transfer Tax on Movable Property and Services) on all fees for services rendered, as established by Law 8 of March 15, 2010 and Law 61 of December 26, 2002.

Panama Finance Law & Co. is a Civil Partnership of Lawyers which is registered, regulated and supervised by Intendence of Supervision and Regulation of NFSs, ascribed to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The assets or transactions are obtained through external suppliers or third-party natural and/or legal persons. This website is owned by Panama Finance Law & Co. and is for informational and illustrative use only and for advertising purposes. Panama Finance Law & Co. is not responsible or guarantees the results obtained through the use of this page by its Users and any electronic communication derived from it.

Any of the assets or transactions are from external suppliers or from third-party natural and/or legal persons and should not be interpreted as legal, investment or tax advice, nor as a recommendation or advice to buy, sell or hold any particular asset or transaction and consequently neither Panama Finance Law & Co. nor its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated or related entities, nor their respective partners, lawyers, administrators, agents or employees guarantee or assure satisfactory results and, consequently, the activities that are made by the Users are for their own account and at their own risk. The Users accept and acknowledge that they have knowledge of the information and risks of the transaction they are carrying out, for which reason they expressly exonerate Panama Finance Law & Co. from any losses incurred in said transaction. Additionally, Panama Finance Law & Co. declares that such transactions are carried out under the principles of impartiality, good faith, transparency, on the basis that the User assumes the risk and putting the interests of the User before those of Panama Finance Law & Co.